Offering financial solutions and retirement planning services to: Florida, Georgia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, South Carolina, and West Virginia. Call us today! 770.951.8411, Lamon & Stern, Inc., Please Visit Our Website at


408(b)(2) Disclosure Documentation on

Disclosure of Services | Lamon & Stern
Full fee disclosures associated with our retirement plans.

 Nationwide Retirement Services |

 To access the updated 408(b)(2) disclosure at Nationwide:
  1. Log into your account a
  2. Click on the "Fee Disclosure" link
  3. Simply view the changes online, download them to a PDF or export it to an Excel file

Great West Retirement Services |

Aspire Financial Services |

Hartford |

Disclosure of Services
Lamon & Stern Retirement Plan Service and Administration Planner [pdf]

Lamon & Stern 408 (b) (2) Disclosure [pdf]

 Please visit our website,, for more information.

IRON Financial - Are You a Fiduciary?

IRON Financial : Are You a Fiduciary? 

Individuals become fiduciaries through appointment or function.

IRON 3(38) Co-Fiduciary Investment Solution 
The most comprehensive qualified retirement plan solution designed to effectively shift a significant portion of the plan sponsor's liability.  The hiring of a 3(38) fiduciary alters the Plan Sponsor's fiduciary responsibility as the liability now relates to the choosing and monitoring of a 3(38) investment manager. 

Plan Sponsor is engaged in a contractual relationship with IRON as the contractual fiduciary 

Fiduciary Processes 
IRON creates a customized Investment Policy statement that roadmaps the investment methodologies.  Using propriety methodologies, IRON selects a well balanced and diversified menu of plan investments and monitors those investments in a defined timeframe.  Replacement of fund options as necessary in accordance with the Investment Policy Statement. 

Each plan receives a quarterly fiduciary Investment Review that details fund metrics, rankings at a plan level and actionable items for the next quarter. 

IRON creates a white label quarterly newsletter that is platform specific allowing you to provide customized education on a quarterly basis.  IRON embraces relationships; From point of sale support to mapping of funds, IRON can help you win and retain retirement plan business.  As the "plan quarterback", you can spend more time concentrating on those items that reflect your value; wealth management, rollovers, plan education and enrollment. 

A section 3(38) fiduciary can protect both the plan sponsor and the Advisor/Broker.

Hollis Lamon
Lamon & Stern
Atlanta, Georgia

Contact Hollis Lamon of Lamon & Stern today for all your retirement planning needs! 770-951-8411