Offering financial solutions and retirement planning services to: Florida, Georgia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, South Carolina, and West Virginia. Call us today! 770.951.8411, Lamon & Stern, Inc., Please Visit Our Website at


IRON Financial - Investment Selection Monitoring

IRON Financial : Investment Selection Monitoring

Broad spectrum of different asset classes including fixed income and foreign and domestic equity funds, recognizing ranges of market capitalization and industry sectors. 

Investments within each asset class that meet initial screening criteria are identified and reviewed for viability. 

Each portfolio and fund manager is evaluated against qualitative and quantitative methodologies. 

Investments that have demonstrated a discipline of performance history, style consistency, preservation and stewardship are selected. 

Each is monitored and reviewed regularly, then replaced if their risk adjusted return falls out of the metrics that are detailed in the Investment Policy Statement.

Hollis Lamon
Lamon & Stern
Atlanta, Georgia

Contact Hollis Lamon of Lamon & Stern today for all your retirement planning needs! 770-951-8411